
Thursday, 7 January 2016

The feeling called love

About Juliet

One day, all of a sudden, unexpected thoughts flew through my body. The rain might have brought them, or the cold wind or a novel. I don’t know. They came from only God knows where. But I understood a deeper meaning of something which I want to share with you... 

Love is like an ever flowing river with abundant water. It neither decreases nor increases. It is us who can feel the flow of energy only when we dip our hands into the river. Just like how I felt the current of water only after taking the risk of sitting by the water body and wetting my feet with my friends at the cost of getting scolded by the guard of the temple.

Once we are in love, we are always in love. In the bond of two souls, which people call ‘relationship’, problems start occurring, because we start expecting. Not from ourselves, but from each other.  Though love, still exists, with the same magnitude, with the same intensity. Only that, we shut the doors of our heart sometimes, which stops the inflow of the energy. And because of its lack, our soul becomes weak and impatient just like a plant would decay without regular supply of water and sunlight.

The bond of love is the most magical and mysterious one. Until now, I used to think that love binds two people. But only from a recent novel I read, could I learn that love rather makes our soul freer. The bond though always connects the two people but doesn’t pull them forcefully together. It can be extended to infinite length without getting broken.  In love, we come to realise how much we can give, not how much we deserve. We can vicariously feel every emotion, pain and pleasure. It’s only that feeling, not the person we love, or the things that surround us. It is our own personal domain which extends us to all infinite boundaries because there is no give-and-take game which doesn’t let us understand anything divine. 

While coming in bus with a friend, I told her what I realised today. How insignificant, I feel marriage is - the social taboo imposed by people (with restricted thoughts and frightened souls) to bind two people together even if their hearts are a million miles apart. If after removing all social barriers, someone is asked to reveal my future plans, the idea should be to have a life with the beloved free of any relationship, go as far as one can go in the sea of love, have children, and fulfil all dreams of a better life. 

At the same time, if love doesn’t need two people to be dependent on each other, there should be no worry of leaving away the home and parents after marriage. One should just be happy to have them in his life. But more than insignificant things, I was concerned about what is significant.

Love, coming back to the subject, is about freedom, not possessiveness. Love is about happiness, not anxiety. If a person is begging for the other person’s love, he simply doesn’t know its meaning. And nothing more can be more insult to love than this which is otherwise meant to make us stronger through pain and suffering. Only those people beg in love, who are afraid to suffer without having to need understand anything.

I don’t know, how much I have been able to understand about love, but I can understand that silence deserves a special respect which is undone at the moment, words are spoken.

But the journey of learning and sharing has not been easy. Only after having undergone a long predicament of pain, struggles for my crazy ambitions and gulping down piles of random novels, and long inactive hours of contemplation, I have been able to put forth this post.

Love may happen between a man and a woman, between two women or between two men, any no. of times, with any no. of people.  In coming days, or maybe tomorrow, one may forget about the ideal things,  get impatient out of consistent indifference, or lack of attention, but instead of giving in, one should try to enjoy the pain of anxiety, of longing for someone, of disappointment.  Only then, we can achieve the highest form of love, which exists just a step ahead of pain. Instead of dissipating all the accumulated energy of pain by telling people around, feed your burning soul and see if pain is converted to pleasure.

Today, though I was still alone and single, I felt love feeding my soul instead of my body. I was feeling pure, and looked at every ‘body‘ as an invisible soul embodied in thick mass of skin of varying colours and appearances. We are not looking for a partner, but for our second half, not the other person, but the other us.  And only if we can find ourselves in another person, or we can treat that other person as ourselves, we are in love.

I felt it when the doors of my heart opened to receive the energy of love, which may occur in any form. like the invisible wind, the cold drops of rain, an unexpected smile, or friends and family, anything, anyone.
And just when I said  this to myself , a water drop fell on my hand and it started raining.

- Juliet About Juliet

1 comment:

  1. Your best post ever...
    'problems start occurring, because we start expecting.'
    Is a line with a deep meaning.
